Jessica Myers Jessica Myers

Season 3 Episode 1 - DENSITY

Does a good social mix create greater security for urban residents?

This episode we're talking mixité or diversity. How does it affect public space socially and politically in the Parisian region.

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Jessica Myers Jessica Myers

Preface (excerpted from Here There Be Dragons: Broadcasting Identity and Security in the Parisian Region)

The title of the project, Here There Be Dragons, comes from a medieval mapping convention, where cartographers would draw sea monsters and demons over unexplored land or dangerous territories accompanied by the phrase hic sunt dracones, here be dragons. It is a method of defining the borders of a world or territory by uncertainty and fear. Through my own experiences with exploring cities, I came to believe that this system of world defining is fairly common. I wanted to investigate the idea that residents of cities negotiate their identities through public space and define the boundaries of their cities by what is feared or uncertain.

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